A Tad Chilly

Hi Tom

We had hailstones this evening which came down so hard and for quite a while. I put the dogs out and they were back in again in no time. I didn't even have to call them tonight.

It's been a cold day all round today. I met up with Justine and Sidney for a run this morning. As soon as we parked up the heavens opened and it didn't stop raining the whole time we were running. We ran for about an hour around Admirals Park. There are lots of paths to stay on and we did a few circuits. We finished our run and headed for Starbucks in the centre of town. We were soaked and frozen. I could hardly feel my fingers at the end.

Coffee was so nice and warmed us up until we had to go back to the cars which were a mile away. Thankfully the rain had stopped but it was still really cold and we were really wet...not a great combination.

Returned home and made another coffee, ran a hot bath and then defrosted in the bath with my coffee....heaven.

Hopefully we won't get anymore hailstones this evening but it is very cold. I'm off to Zumba later so at least that will keep me warm x

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