Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Flocking Birds!

I was stuck in waiting for a delivery of a new Sky Box that was supposed to arrive by 1pm but didn't!

After dropping off the wife to a Country Club half way to Cardiff to swim her 1.5 miles, I continued to the Cardiff City Stadium. After paying and collecting my coach ticket for next Tuesday's match at Manchester United, it was time to get my daily blip.

I called in at Cardiff Yacht club and saw this swarm of birds (Starlings?) which were making fantastic formations in the sky for quite a while, so fired off a few shots.

I looked up why they do so, and it appears this is the reason....

Starlings flock at dusk to prepare to roost together for the night and remain cohesive under attack by predators. This is one of the great wonders of nature since no one knows why they do so. They provide both breathtaking aerial displays and a public nuisance in the form of noise and bird droppings.

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