Life Uncommon

By lifeuncommon


The tree in our front yard has finally shed all of its leaves (much to my dismay, as this means fall is quickly giving way to winter) so today Ben decided it was time to tackle leaf removal. However, when he went to search for our rake, he remembered that a few months ago, he had thrown the rake up into our big evergreen to knock down a ball that had gotten stuck, and though he was successful, the rake itself had gotten stuck in the process.

Ben peered up into the evergreen and sure enough, the rake was still there, caught amidst the branches some 20 feet off the ground. He proceeded to grab a garden soil rake from the garage, told the kids to stand back, and tossed the soil rake toward the leaf rake. Well, you can guess what happened next. Yes, then both rakes were stuck in the tree. Ingenious.

So Ben returned to the garage and came back with a long pole tree-trimmer type contraption and after several tries, managed to knock the soil rake out of the tree.

Without thinking, I helpfully offered, "Well, that's the one you already had!"

Ben flashed me a grin. "Thanks, Debi, what would I do without you?" and then probably in defiance, shook the branches some more with the tree-trimmer pole and knocked the leaf rake onto the lawn.

I had intended to blip Ben and E raking the pile of gorgeous yellow leaves, but the story that went along with this photo was just too good to pass up.

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