Life Uncommon

By lifeuncommon


Little A is the guest blipper today; she took this photo of Ben and I preparing dinner tonight (chicken tikka masala, rice, asparagus, and corn bread) in order to capture an image of my new apron.

That's right, sewing project #3 is complete! I actually finished it yesterday, but put it to use for the first time today. I'm really happy with how it turned out. Despite several mistakes (including a pretty major one in cutting the fabric), it came out well and I love the print. I think I'll get lots of use out of it! Of course, upon completion I immediately began pondering my next project, and today at church I saw three sisters wearing the most adorable ponchos. They looked pretty and cozy, and seemed simple enough to imagine making - so I'm going to take A to choose some fabric this week and see what I can do.

We had a nice Sunday . . . breakfast with my mom, who was here overnight (babysitting the kids so Ben and I could go to dinner and attend a great comedy show last night), church, pizza-by-the-slice for lunch, and then Ben and A went to a special children's production put on by the Oregon Symphony, called "Creepy Critters." It included music like "Flight of the Bumblebee" and "La Cucaracha." This afternoon and evening we've spent as we spend many Sundays: doing laundry, having dinner as a family, giving the kids baths, and generally gearing up for the start of a new week.

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