
This weekend as you're probably aware is the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. Now I'm no ornithological expert but if it were me, I'd choose a sunny weekend in late April or early May when the birds are hopping about everywhere. Having said that, I've done this for a good few years now and I usually get a reasonable count of tits: blue; great; coal and long-tailed. I get blackbirds, robin, occasionally a song thrush and I've had up to four blackcaps as well as greenfinch, chaffinch collared doves, wood pigeons and various members of the crow family.

So, what's the score today, I hear you asking and waiting with bated breath for the reply. Two magpies, two wood pigeon, two great tits and one blackbird. Yes, that's all and I think it's very good of them to come out on a day like today. If you want to see it lashing down click here

I hope you've got somewhere warm to shelter from it.


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