Cave Rock -Tuawera

Daughter E and I had a wander along Sumner Beach, in the city, mid morning. It was warm, calm with plenty of swimmers enjoying a dip. Surf school was quite busy and two container ships were waiting for their call into Lyttleton Harbour.

Tuawera is the Maori name for the large rock that sprawls silently on the beach at Sumner. It means 'cut down as if by fire' and refers to the many people who died from eating the flesh of a great whale that was stranded on the shore many years ago. It is said the rock represents the carcass of that legendary whale which was breached by means of black magic. I really needed to be on the other side of the rock to show the shape better.

It is an unusual volcanic formation and has provided a playground for Christchurch children visiting the beach, that was until the earthquakes, as its now cordoned off.

The signal station at the top of Cave Rock was used to signal vessels approaching Sumner bar when the wharf at Ferrymead was used to unload cargo for Christchurch in the 19th century.

The gentle curve of the bay allowed me to capture this image without being on or in the sea.

Daughter E is on the move next week, so after our walk I gave her a hand with some packing, also bringing some things home she no longer requires. After much thinking she's decided to stay in Christchurch for this year and perhaps go back to study in a few months time but still continue to work for a few hours in her present employment as a pastry chef. Lots of changes and lots of exciting things lie ahead for her :)

Time now for me to get the washing in, prepare tea - Mexican beef with rice tonight, and generally have a quick tidy-up before hubby gets home from work. The phone keeps ringing as my car is on the market.......a time of change......

Home day tomorrow I think - Happy Tuesday blippers :)

Thank you for all the encouraging words for my Mono Monday image yesterday, they are greatly appreciated :))

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