The Saga Of Toto

After an almost totally sleepless night I gladly fell out of bed at 5.45am, I couldn't take anymore!

All night Toto had been leaping up onto the bed licking our faces and panting into our faces and sticking his wet beard into our faces ugh!!! When he wasn't pushing himself at us he was running around and scrabbling into things all night long, it was a total nightmare but it was real aarrghh!!!!

I stumbled through the morning routine and then carried him down the three flights of stairs and He took me for a walk! He has no walking on the lead skills whatsoever! It was a nightmare!!!!

I left him upstairs when we started work mostly because he wouldn't/couldn't come down the stairs. He whined and moaned the whole day and we both went up there on and off all day to try and settle him down but he was completely on edge! Nightmare!!!

Eventually towards the last part of the day I went up there and sat on the first step and talked to him and petted him, convinced that all would be well if he could only get down the stairs! After much encouragement he eventually made a very clumsy but brave attempt and got down onto the first step with me!!

And so we went together slowly down the stairs one at a time with me thinking thank goodness I won't have to keep carrying him up and down, he's quite heavy!!!

When we reached the work level he was so pleased with himself he headed into the workshop like a shot and immediately cocked his leg on an expensive piece of equipment!! We both yelled NO! And he ran in the other direction and did the same thing to a keyboard!!! Noooo!!!!!!

And so I carried him back upstairs because he hasn't mastered the going upstairs trick yet and locked him out on the rooftop garden and went back to work. He whined and moaned and barked very loudly for the next hour!!! Nightmare!!!

When work was over I went up to sit with him and he was glad of the company and licked and jumped all over me and tried to eat the iPhone!! Then he got up on the table behind me and leaned over my shoulder to lick me and that's when I took a whole lot of shots of which I picked these six. I'm calling them The Madness Of Toto!!!!

I'm really hoping he goes to sleep tonight!!!

I haven't been able to squeeze in much blipping, but hopefully I'll be able to catch up a bit when things settle down!!! Really hope you are all well!! :o)

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