The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Redhills Robin

Another wet and overcast day, the sun shone wanly for a few moments when we were out after lunch, and there were flecks of blue sky. I took 8 photographs today and five were of this robin perched in a blackthorn bush in Redhills Pasture. It was another quick walk for Gus as there was a deadline to meet, the compensation for him was that I stayed at home for the day and he could snooze on his bed next to me.

Robins always make me think of my Mum, and there are several blippers who have said the same. Mum loved a robin in the garden, a bird that has learned that gardeners are not a threat, and that the turning of the earth or the compost heap brings rewards for the confident, confiding bird. When a pair of robins nested in a box in the garden, she kept a close eye on them from the kitchen window. The same box was used by a wren as a safe and sheltered place to spend the winter nights, and Mum would be up and in position to see it emerge in the morning.

This one's not a garden robin, it's perhaps the same one I photographed a couple of weeks ago, approachable but only so close.

An early start tomorrow, on the train to the deep south, to a place where people are far more numerous than birds.

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