The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Eye in the sky

I've overslept two days in a row, both times switching off the alarm clock and having no memory of it. Yesterday, was potentially the most disastrous. I was saved by the bell of Wifie's alarm going off nearly an hour after I had intended to get up. I had just over twenty minutes to get to the train. With Wifie's help I made it.

This morning's unplanned lie-in meant I missed the pre-dawn colours in the sky, but I was in time to see the sun peeping through a gap in the cloud. We had the most pleasant morning for weeks, and then even my dental appointment had a positive result, no treatment needed.

The sky clouded as we headed south to today's meeting near Preston. Yesterday's meeting was in Government buildings overlooking the Thames, today's was in a sewage works. What an exciting and varied life I lead.

Gus had missed his afternoon walk today, so I have just come in from a stumble in the dark over Arnside Knott. He loved it. The lack of visual cues perhaps stimulated his sense of smell, he was revelling in a scent world, rushing back and forth and adding his calling card to those of others in his canine community. We shall have to do it again, and next time I shall take a sack to gather some organic cow poo for the garden.

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