One Eyed Willie

These guys have moved into the field across from our house. I have noticed that the little one follows the big one around the field. They seem to be very good buddies.

When I was taking Roxy out for her daily constitutional I noticed that they were standing near the fence so, I nipped back into the house to collect my camera (I usually have it with me but as it was another dreich one I had only taken my phone).

As we approached the field they came over to see us. That is when I noticed the little one only has one eye. Whatever happened must have happened recently as the hair has been shaved on one side of his head and has started to grow back. (Look large) The bigger horse seemed very protective of him despite the little nips he was giving her legs.

What he lacks in size he definitely makes up for in personality.

Daughter has gone into school to sit her Higher English pre-lim. Fingers crossed she manages okay.

I'm having a purge on the domestic chores. Ovens cleaned, cushion covers and throw washed getting ready to tackle a little hoovering.

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