South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Am I looking?

Warning - do not look at this on large! Quality - terrible!
(I had to run downstairs to get my camera and zoom in fast before the cat left, so no time to get decent photos!)

Although this is blurred, I still thought it was amusing :-) I spotted the cat on the bird table two gardens along with the pigeon looking on.

Photo 1. Pigeon - "For goodness sake, moggy, know your place! And why on earth are you enjoying eating bird food? Was your mother a canary?!"

Photo 2. Pigeon - (Seeing cat looking at it, looks away quickly) "Who, me? Commenting on your eating habits? Of course not - I wasn't even watching."

There was a third photo of the cat leaving with the pigeon watching, but I couldn't get a format of three photos that would successfully get it on here!

Another tired Friday, but not as bad as the last two. I enjoyed watching "Homes under the Hammer" (love that programme!) and then hubby drove me down to the local shop and we picked up some essentials for the weekend.

The rain has started to pour - thank goodness from the point of view of the heavy pressure (which I could really feel in my sinuses) before it arrived. But for those facing flooding yet again - not good. Tomorrow is supposed to be horrendous along this south - and also the west - coast, with high spring tides, very strong gales and flooding possible. The bus shelter is finally being put up again today (the one that blew down in the storm in early December - there was a crane there and everything!) Wouldn't it be ironic if it blew down again tomorrow! ;-)

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