Feeding Frenzy!

Wow! What a difference a day makes!

Woke up to gorgeous blue skies and bright sunshine this morning at last sunshine on a day off for me :)

So a change of plan and after a quick shop for some rubbish bags which I forgot to buy the other day and some daffodils,chocolate and books which found their way into my basket (whoops! Well after this week I needed cheering up(that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :)), I went down to the canalside!

First though I shot this view, which is a very similar one to my recent Camera School Sunset shot, but a different time of day of course :)

I found an empty seat, and this silly TB sat there til her fingers were frozen off and shot pictures of swans having a feeding frenzy across the canal, with the camera on the tripod...ending up with over 270 pictures.... How did I do that? Those that made it past the editing table are in my flickr I chose to blip this one because I like the breeze in their tail feathers (and the wind was/is quite strong, I had to hold my tripod) :)

Back home and I opened all the windows wide to air the house whilst I have the chance, it felt enclosed and damp...so hopefully after those few hours it will feel better. I flung on extra jumpers, blitzed the bathroom, put a washload on, and had some lunch. Just about to hang the first load up and blitz the lounge!

Shame its now clouding over again...

I noticed this morning that for some reason, there is white stuff over some of the rear seat belts in my car, seems as though it maybe mould :( I would like to clean it off but not sure what to use? Would warm water and soapy cloth be enough, or something stronger (and would it be safe)? Any advice gratefully received, thanks!

Happy Saturday folks, stay safe out there :)

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