Secret Army

OK, it's not France and it's not the middle of the Second World War but for those of you of a certain age you will recall the intro sequence to the classic BBC drama from the late 1970s. This just reminded me (Chris) of that. Unfortunately I only had my iPhone to hand but the best camera is the one you have in your hand and all that...

Annie spent the day in the school where she is chair of governors doing a learning walk and inspecting the boarding provision. After the busy time of work after the past few months it was good to be able to get back into the school and see how it's progressed. It recently was graded by Ofsted as "good", coming out of special measures and straight up two levels. The hard work from everyone has paid off and she had a great time seeing the pupils learn.

An interesting evening at the camera club with a guest presenter talking about pinhole photography. Really interesting and his images were superb, not the fuzzy and roughly composed stuff I have seen from this approach in the past, very inspiring.

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