Cheers!- in the Caribbean

Rule Britannia…depending on your point of view you will either be amused or appalled.

All I can say is that they were not alone this morning when they took to the water with their bottles of beer off St Vincent Island.

That said these tropical islands are everything the brochures claim.
There is an undertow though. One guy was sitting on the beach doing his crossword puzzle with his legs in the water when a wave swept over him.
End of crossword puzzle.

What do holidaymakers talk about in the water? I couldn’t help overhearing snippets of conversation:
“Tummy upsets, stress, depression, work.”
It sounded more like a doctors waiting room than the Caribbean.
As for the folk with the beer…. they were too busy drinking to talk.

(Apologies for lack of comments but Internet access is erratic in this part of the world.)

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