Making Footprints - Kaiteriteri

Well, I had hoped to get down to the beach at low tide this morning for some special images. I had hoped to photograph the footprint-free, pristine sea-washed sands and sand patterns. That was not to be. My timing was way out. Due to the very low tide the big catamaran water taxis had to pull up to the beach at the far south end just around the bluff in “Little Kaiteriteri”. This meant that dozens of passengers had to stream across the sands, cross the stream from the estuary (over temporary bridge…no way would we want to get our feet wet….) and negotiate the rocks at the foot of the bluff…..Their day’s adventure was starting early. And the previously smooth pristine sands were covered in footprints.
There were three big “cats” pulled up at the shore eventually. Many of the passengers were merely going to go on a cruise up the Abel Tasman coast to Totaranui and back. These were the very old and some disabled folk. The younger and more adventurous would be dropped off at various bays along the coast in order to walk sections of the coastal track.
It was an absolutely stunning day for spending time on a boat or walking in the Park. I quite envied them…..Click here to see folk boarding a Water Taxi.

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