Splash Minus the Irritating Celebrities

DDW challenge F is for falling drop of water and technical challenge, water drops/splashes.

I always knew this challenge was going to be tricky and it was. Being short of time didn't help either. Some lessons learned to share:

~ Make sure everything is clean. The water will magnify any unwanted marks/impurities in your water tray
~ Go for height. My water supply was too low so the splashes were on the small side
~ Be careful when making a hole in the water bag (assuming you use this approach). Water wasn't coming out fast enough so I tried to enlarge the hole and ended up with a stream! You want steady drips. Too slow and you won't catch them, too fast and it's not water drops
~ Think how you are going to refill your water supply. I used a freezer bag filled with water. I tied it up and taped it securely to a shelf above my work surface. Great, but when it was empty I couldn't refill it and had to set up a whole new bag. Too slow and time consuming
~ I darkened the room so there was no unwanted light reflecting on the water. Main light source was an off camera flash bounced off white card placed behind the water tray. Flash was set to 1/16 power

In other news, dinner at Felicity's was pretty good. £15.90 and you simply order what you want from the menu. As much as you want and as often as you want. We were surprisingly sensible and ordered as we went along. A wise move as the management reserves the right to charge if you over order and leave an unreasonable amount of food. I wonder how often that happens?

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