Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


Into the wind, face wind, wind and stinging rain. Darkness creeps from every corner, snarling on the edges of feeble street lit puddles. Mad, silent, phantom cyclists without lights make momentary shadows in the corner of your eyes. A row of pigeons, all forlorn, shelter in a doorway. A cat stared in disgust out of a bay window, stared with contemptuous eyes at the hated rain.

Up over the bridge, tyres flicking up water from the torrent running down the gutter. Down into the town, rain heavier than ever. Car tail lights making beautiful dancing reflections, vivid colour in the Gloom. Pieces of tree come down from on high as the wind swirls through the outstretched branches. Gusts push and pull at my clothing, casting drips from my helmet into my face.

Off the bike and into the coffee shop. The wild weather abated for a while.

All this and it's only 7:30 am!

What will the day bring?

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