Cleared for Landing

Squadron ...incoming......

Took loads of uninspiring shots and's Friday..what on earth am I doing? Sod this..not to put too fine a point on it...I'm going to Slimbridge. Which I did!!

Joining in with and reporting on the Alternative Olympic Games with Life's Little Moments...

A skein of Canada Geese winging in over the Severn estuary as it reached the twilight hours this afternoon. As did multitudinous other birds this evening all heading for the final destination in the Alternative Olympics. The Canadian olympic team seen flying in this evening on a quick stop over; all sporting the smart, new team colours. Looking very focused - however still no interviews were given as to why they weren't at the opening ceremony this afternoon. Still no news either as to why the 5th olympic ring failed to open so not the only hiccup to date.

Crowds had flocked to the main stadium ! Necks were craned to to see better as the athletes arrived.

Making an impressive entrance were team Swan who flew in over the fences amid high scale security, with fire crews standing by...! High hopes for their main athlete Sydney a certain medal winner for the ski jump!

Caught on camera - Serena Swan the number one contender for a gold in the women's individual figure skating flying in looking cooly confident, as were the dynamic duo contenders for the bobsleigh .

More news from the Alternative Olympic games shortly!!

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