Under Pressure

Great day. Long day. Still haven't caught up on sleep from the weekend and that damn overnight flight. Really looking forward to Wednesday.
Spent too many hours in the biochem lab today though. The week just gets better from here on out.

We are called to love people regardless of how they respond to us. - Annie Skroski
This story is not about you. - Rick McKinley

I'm learning that I can't control how people respond to me. I don't want to throw people away. I'm going to love those people that don't want to make eye contact with me whether they like it, want it, and know it or not.

I took a bunch of throw away pictures today. This is one of them. I can't wait to get in bed. Also slightly bummed that one of my photos appeared in a local arts magazine and I wasn't credited anywhere. That was the agreement... alas. The epitome of bittersweet.

One year ago today - Paul's Pearlsnap... it's one of my favorite photos ever. pearlsnaps are so hot. so hot.

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