Novement 4th

Happy Novement 4th everybody. Enjoy the day. Seize it.

I feel like I'm coming full circle on so many things. It feels good to draw near to God.. (and He will draw near to you). I've been writing in my journal. Need to make that more of a priority than it has been this year. After all, I have the coolest journal ever. (Thanks Steph.)

I got a message from an ex-boyfriend tonight.. That relationship really turned me inside out emotionally for what seemed like forever. And talking with him briefly tonight really made me realize that I am completely released from those wounds. And so is he. And I was able to let him know that I really have been praying for him through all this time. I'm just simply amazed at how God works through people.. in spite of people. There is no specific time frame on healing. Everyone is different.
It's just crazy to throw people out of your life once you stop dating them. (I'm guilty. I've done it.) They're part of your history. If you can heal from it, by all means get healed. It takes time.
So once again, I'm thankful for release.

But this story isn't about me.

On another note, check out how beautiful this squash is. I just want to eat it like an apple.

One year ago today: I lied yesterday when I said that photo was my favorite.. because this one of Caroline in my voting t-shirt definitely is.

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