'Trying To Stay Cool'

In this extreme heatwave we're experiencing once again.

Last night was quite cool so we opened up the house as much as possible to cool it down in readiness for the heat today. As soon as the temperature outside reaches above the inside everything gets closed down again. We even have a water spray bottle to spray the windows down on the north side of the house.

MsMun and the kids didn't leave the house today, mainly because it was best that Dylan stays out of the heat and sun as much as possible for his eczema, which has seemed to settle down a little today. He has been much better in managing it himself now by constantly putting a cold, wet face washer on his chest which is now the worst area for him.

I popped up to St.Andrews pub this arvo for about an hour to see Marrissa Quigley playing solo and a quick beer before heading back home.

It's now 9:30 pm and the temperature is still hovering around 38 degrees outside and isn't expected to drop below 30 tonight. Another day of total fire ban tomorrow.

We've all just finished watching the movie 'The Saphires' too which I thought was quite good.

Stay safe and cool, or warm depending on where you are.

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