If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

High Hurdles!

I knew when I agreed to this operation there would be a number of hurdles I had to clear, but I hadn't really expected this one. Among the battery of pain killers (mild laxatives for the effect of the pain killers) etc was 28 days of heparin injections. Self administered!!

Any one who knows me at all well knows I have an aversion to sharp pointy things with holes down the middle, particularly when they are pointed towards me. Not only do these have to point towards me but I have to operate them. It is a little akin to saying here is a dagger stab yourself.

The good news is I have managed 3 so far the first under the eagle eye of a nurse so no chance to look a wuss. The second while still on a high from getting out of hospital and then tonight's. This was the most difficult, but at least I did eventually manage.

I should offer my profound apologies to all you diabetics out there who have to do this daily and will have done for many years. I just can't imagine your situation or how I would cope.

I have found today difficult, wanting to do more than I physically can and as a result probably doing more than I should. I am now getting used to calling my left leg George and my right Bernard.

You are now wondering why on earth I have suddenly decided my legs have names, well blame that on the Physio. He was teaching me the order for going up stairs and coming down. Going up remember George (good leg) Bernard (bad leg) Shaw (sticks). Coming down it is the reverse SBG.

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