my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

Naturally fabulous

Pilates dvd.

Visit to EJ and A's to catch up with them and their wee one who is getting cuter and more adorable by the day.

Then met up with my lovely mother-in-law for a trip up to the Botanics for the launch of the Naturally exhibition which was just incredible. I encourage you all to see it. I was really pleased with how our sculpture was presented in such a great space. (Previously blipped here). We also got some great publicity in the Scotsman. (which I have tried to link to but can't find it online at the moment). I can say, though, that the best bit about the opening was seeing the excitement that the artists, one in particular, showed about seeing their work on display.

As with most Garvald events, there were loads of other blippers there too.

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