
By cabbagetree

The Moon and Mount Torlesse

The snow is gradually vanishing from the mountains.  Even so I had to scrape frost off my car this morning.

Things are pretty hectic round here with five lots of starling chicks clamouring to be fed and parents dashing to and fro.  It makes extra work for me because what goes in eventually comes out.  The parents take in a bunch of worms or whatever, and they come out carrying a chick turd which they quickly drop.  I have several clothes lines, but wherever I hang my washing it is under the flight path of at least one pair.  The longer it's left out the greater the chance of strike.  The washing dries faster if there's a wind, but that increases the horizontal surface area.  There's nothing for it but to inspect everything as I gather it in and return items to the washing machine for another go.  There's one big towel that's likely to wear out before I get to use it again.

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