
By OldTimer

The Cow Byre

Well back up to my sisters place. Lucky it is only 7km's away. Interesting yesterday some had not heard of a trug. Sent me rushing to Google to make sure I was right. We are lucky to have such an easy reference tool at our finger tips.

Now it is the cow byre an essential part of all 1860 small holdings . This particular one has a different story attached to it. A year or two back when there were two lovely Peacocks at this place One was not well obviously knew it was about to die and it went into the cow byre put its head down on a square stone with all it's feathers beautifully arranged and die it did. Believe it or not it looked beautiful and we all felt sad even though it had been cursed often for making a mess where it shouldn't.
How is that for a story of no consequence but one we will never forget.

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