Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Wash and Blow Dry!

Couldn't resist this image through the windscreen of the Volvo as we sat so patiently in the car wash tonight! Monday night must be grooming night for cars.....there were 5 in front of us!

This just happened to be the moment when the wax was being liberally sprayed all over the body and just before the huge nylon brushes began to rotate....whipping the droplets into a frenzy.

Naturally it would not have looked as effective if it had been broad daylight and there had been no colourful advertising on the shop fronts, blinking away!

Ten minutes and it was all over apart from the tummy rub and interior hoovering.

In pristine condition, manicured from head to toe, Ms Volvo headed for home to park up and share her adventure with all the less than glamorous models parked up beside her!

I wonder what stories she told!!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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