Journey Through Time

By Sue

Got my eye on you! (and update on family)

The Western venue of the AOG is back on track. Avalanche danger is over, but that means the snow is melting fast. We may have to transition to summer games as the Pineapple Express is due in with warmer tropical temperatures and rain. We were graced with the presence of the Male Anna's Hummingbird, who flew in to graze and to give this reporter the stink eye. New food is ready in the fridge and I think the only thing these athletes want is FOOD!

On another note: I have the final update to the family I have been researching It's a story, people, it's a story. And I can't even begin to tell you all that I did to ferret out these people. The Internet is a wonderous thing, sometimes.

So, what we know now is that the mother who had the 3 kids in California was a not very nice mother. Her father was an abusive poop, and that was passed down the line and she was an alcoholic also. The 3 boys were taken away from Mom, but she got one back. My new friend was probably better off not having this person raise him, sad to say.

ANYWAY, I found an obituary for this mother's brother which listed his siblings, which had this woman and her married name that she acquired after the fiasco with her 3 boys. It's a bit of a different name and I was able to locate and talk to a lady last night who is the estranged wife of this man's half sibling. My friend gained two more brothers out of this deal. But the good news is that my new friend was able to talk to his full brother, who was told when he was a kid, that this brother was dead. Imagine the surprise. Wish I could have been a fly on a wall when he got THAT call from that lady's husband. I feel like Oprah - HERE'S YOUR BROTHER!! The other brother to these two, their full brother, was killed 10 years ago in Las Vegas, so that's a sad story. But, thankfully, these two men, now in their 60's finally were able to connect. I can't even begin to tell you how fulfilling this was for me. I felt like I'd just raced down the hill to win the Gold Medal. What a rush. And it's very confusing to tell the story.

If you have a normal loving mom and dad and siblings....cherish them.

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