
By M9

SUMO PETE at the Alternative Olympic Games (AOG)

As mentioned earlier, Pete has been in extensive training for the sumo wrestling event in this year’s Alternative Olympics.* One advantage Pete has is his incredible size, and as Pete said in our interview, “The bigger you are, the harder they fall!”

There have been mumblings throughout the Olympic Village that some of the athletes from Team Squirrel are wishing for heftier servings in the athletes’ cafeteria, as it takes an incredible amount of calories to train and maintain their endurance in competition. This is especially true in sumo wrestling. Pete, here, discovered one of his favorite meals locked away and he couldn’t resist raiding the supplies. He’s taking quite a chance, but believes it’s worth the risk in order retain his edge to medal in his event.

Now that Pete’s been busted, one of the kitchen staff commented, “Now I understand why these suet blocks don’t last two full days.”

Leaving no stone unturned, it appears that a member of Team Squirrel is spying on another team to be sure they know exactly what to expect during competition. It's common knowledge that teams do this regularly, although it isn't highly publicized.

*For more fun from the Alternative Olympic Games check out ‘BetsysPics’, and be sure to go to ‘Life’s Little Moments’ where it all began.

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