'L' for Ladies that do Blip Meets in Costa!

I had my first mini blip meet today with the oh so lovely SuesEyeView. I cant tell you how wonderful it is to finally meet someone who totally understands the addiction that is Blip!!! But as Sue said, 2 hours fly when you have so much to talk about, but sadly my Waitrose car park time was up and I had to get back to work. But we shall do it again. Thank you Sue for the beautiful Heart Box too. I love it.

I then battled the wind and rain and flying branches and flooded roads to get to my afternoon job and finally got home 11 hours after I left. Boy its been a long day. The wind appears to have died down now so maybe, just maybe this next predicted storm has passed already.

So heres our Selfie that we giggled over as neither of us really knew how to work our phones!!! And my DDW February challenge blip of 'L' for Ladies that do Costa!


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