
By CarrieEllenA

Lake Sacajawea

I have no Idea who the boy are. I never did get their names. And this isn't a lake, not in the way I usually think of them anyway. More of a created water feature in a town that was planned to daze and confuse. But I have this picture hanging in my home and have for many years. I love it and enjoy the image even if heavy cropping is needed to create the idyllic scene.

I am sure that the redundantly named town in Texas has something of a similar water feature in the park in the center of that town. This image was originally taken in 1981 after Mt St Helen's had erupted but before the 'lake' was dredged to remove the ash that was clogging up the works. The dredging sent the rats that inhabited the water up into the yards of the folk who lived around the park. (huge brown Norwegian type from the ships that docked on the river. The wharves being several miles away.) This required sending a man whose sole purpose with the city was to find a way to get them back down to the park. Really he was supposed to trap them but from the description he gave me, it was more out of sight out of mind. As long as the folk who lived in the upscale houses didn't have the rats lifting garbage can lids on their porches, they would not be complaining to the city. A foot long rat, minus the foot long tail is quite capable as I have seen it happen. Still sends chills when I think about them. At least at the time it was aluminum cans as they would have made short work of the plastic bins that are the rule now.

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