
By carliewired


A day of ups and
downs brightened by this lovely
wild yellow flower.

~ carliewired

The day after our bus trip to Phoenix last week, D woke up with a cold. It lingered and worsened over the weekend. No backsplash happened while he slept through his recovery.

Yesterday, I woke up with the cold. Nothing like a virus shared between friends! I got to my artists association meeting, hopefully without infecting anyone else. I didn't have much for outward signs. No sneezes or sniffles. Just aches and wanting to sleep. I came home just after 3 and rolled into bed for a few hours.
While I was gone, D was home alone in the house sitting at the table (not yet fully recovered) when he saw a neighbour walk into our yard and walk into the backyard. Another man stood by the front gate waiting for him. In a few minutes, the neighbour walked out again to join the fellow by the gate. At no time did anyone knock on our door. D thought this all a bit unusual. I arrived home with the truck soon after this all unfolded.

Today, D called the neighbour and asked what he was doing in our yard yesterday. The neighbour seemed to think he hadn't done anything wrong but D said he didn't need to be in our yard. He admitted he thought we weren't home because our truck was gone. (All the more reason NOT to be there. ) He said he was trying to find out if we were still feeding the birds because he'd noticed that the mourning doves were disappearing. I really don't understand his need to know or why it wouldn't have waited for a more appropriate time or means. The conversation ended pleasantly enough, but left us with a bad taste in our mouths.

So, today was my turn for misery. We did get out for a bit of shopping but I tuckered out really fast and needed to get back home to roll into bed. I got this shot of camphorweed roadside. It was a bit of sunshine to take home in my camera. This is a native wild flower/weed. It is said to have some medicinal properities in that it helps inflammation of external injuries. It gets its name because it smells of camphor when it is crushed.

Daytime temperatures are rising. Today we were up to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Tomorrow we're promised 89. The weekend goes as high as 91. Might be using that air conditioner soon!

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