You will probably know that when we come over to visit or look after our grandchildren, we always play games - in fact, we have a family history of playing games and, of course, we all have our favourites. At the moment, the card game we play the most is Two Pack Rummy and this can get very competitive, especially when ALL the family plays.

It's very windy outside, so decided that an outdoor blip wasn't going to happen, especially as it is now raining very hard again - so as we are looking after grandchildren this weekend, I thought a blip of some of their games might be a colourful one.

Here is a small selection of the games they have - actually, they probably have more than the nearest games shop!

However, despite all the "modern" games, card games are high on the agenda and also the game of COPPIT, which we had when our boys were small and which was passed on to our grandchildren. I looked at this version and it dates back to 1984, so it is now 30 years old. Googling it, I read that it was first created in 1927, so it has definitely stood the test of time, and I have no doubt we will play it at some time over the weekend.

We never "allowed" our children to win, although maybe we sometimes didn't strive as hard ourselves, because we always felt that they needed to learn how to be good losers, and if they lost, they needed to try harder next time. The same applies to our grandchildren - trouble is, now we are getting older, it's getting harder to beat them - I guess because we are such a competitive family!! But it's great fun - gotta go, grandchildren are calling!

You have to learn the rules of the game.
And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein

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