Tomorrow is the birthday of our very special friend Howard, so today we were invited out for lunch with him, his family and a few other friends, after church.  He had no idea so it was a lovely  surprise for him organised by his wife, Lillieth and his children, Aaron and Kathryn.

Everything went really well except when the waiter knocked a glass of red wine over Keith's starter. The men and women were on separate tables, so I asked Mr HCB if Keith had chosen another starter, but apparently he decided not to but just let the food marinate in the wine - he said it added extra flavour and he did get another glass of wine!! 

There is something special about going out for a meal with friends when you can chat and just chill out together and it was especially good to catch up with a friend I haven't seen for a few years. 

We retired to the lounge for tea and coffee and Howard cut his cake - all in all a lovely afternoon - and of course, we all sang "Happy Birthday" to him before we went our separate ways.  

I also recorded us singing "Happy Birthday" to our son's girlfriend, Oh, who lives in Thailand, as it's her birthday tomorrow;  it's my friend, Lin's birthday too and also our granddaughter's boyfriend's birthday.  Any more birthdays on 16th February?

Howard, Oh, Lin and Jordan,
On your birthday.....
May God make safe to you each step,
May God make open to you each pass,
May God make clear to you each road,
And may God hold you in the clasp of His hands.

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