Snapshots of rural France

By SuzB


...I like to chop kindling. Just me, at one with my axe, and the wood, and a bucket. Simple. A load ready to last the week. Nothing more to it. No high expectations or chance to make any errors (except maybe hit a knot or a nail). I'm rambling...I know.

Had a minor diplomatic call to make this morning as I had accidentally stepped on a new colleague's toes. And a surprise when someone changed the terms I was taking on some colleague's houses under (although I have the email with the original terms on it so they can go sing as much as they like, it ain't gonna change). But it will be sorted. Any why am I dealing with it on a Saturday anyway?

Do you think being naughty in not doing my exercises much this week may have made me more susceptible to these things? I must make a promise to myself to start again tomorrow.

OK. That's enough. Let's start the weekend now. PLEASE?

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