
By Raestelle

"The Old P.S. RUBY" ...

...Yes, the dear old RUBY - the last time we saw her was a month or so ago, and she's been in dry dock at the historic port of Wentworth, across the river from us in New South Wales, where she has been undergoing some boiler work I believe..and other restoration..

...She's owned by the District Council of Wentworth..she is their Flag Ship and today we found her moored at the wharf there, a great little place for anyone to visit, and so historic from our early days..and I thought you'd like to see her - you've already seen the PS MELBOURNE and the PS ROTHBURY..

...Built in 1907 - in South Australia -she too has a wonderful history, and now if you'd like to see her running up the river and feel as if you are there with her too - you can click over to a U-Tube approx.3minute film of her arriving at Port Wentworth...just click in:

steamboat ps ruby arrives at the historic port of wentworth (July, 2011)

...and hopefully you may be able to catch her chugging along the river..

...But today here she is - I'm not sure if she still does overnight tours or not , but wouldn't it be fun!! .. Certainly No Frills there, but - wouldn't it be fun, no wind, or rain, or snow, or storms..just the river and the sound of the paddles lapping the water..

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