stimulation without analgaesia

Just as I was picking up my tasty pre-cinema coffee from this booth a couple of hours before this was taken a cluster of some form of northern Americans arrived and asked the coffee-vendor if she sold anything like aspirin or paracetamol. Slightly odd seeing as there was a large shopping centre nearby containing at least two chain-chemist-shops and a reasonably brightly-lit shopping-street in the other direction containing one shop which might have had something suitable even if it might also have contained significantly less efficacious nonsense-based unproven remedies.

Fantastic Mr Fox turned out to be OKish but by no means up there with any of Wes Anderson's better stuff. Whilst in no way more than occasionally informed by the book it doesn't mock it by misinterpreting it, instead occasionally plonking in whole chunks but leaving the rest significantly different enough to make it almost a different thing. Whilst the auditorium was unpleasantly full of people clutching popcorn and sweets and bleatingly asking their parents if this was the film yet when it was quite clearly an advert and when the film was starting when they would have been better off quickly eating their crunchy sweet things in order to make them nice and quiet for the film, though throwing the things away would have been far preferable in order to make them less fidgety and sugar-powered once the film started. Most disturbing were a few "why is nothing happening?" sort of questions when the FACT screen appeared, a still image with no sound already apparently worrying unacceptable to today's youngsters. Still, this was the price of going to the 15:00 showing rather than the later 17:00 in order to be back home in time to catch the BAFTA webcast.

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