If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Hanging on.

The best night since the drug filled nights in hospital. The morphine certainly ensured a good night while on the ward. I still wake up a number of times but last night a quick stand up shuffle around and back into bed and quickly to sleep. I didn't get my usual Sunday morning lie in but at least I got a good night. I am now off all the pain killers other than paracetamol which is of a strength which can be bought over the counter. Not really anything other than muscle discomfort.

CC had been up early and out with a friend to see what the early morning light was like down at Ullswater. I did my exercises and watched the Olympics. After lunch I had decided to increase my exercise so we went for a walk "round the block". This would be a total of maybe 400 yards. It did however give the chance for an outdoor shot of some sort as behind the bungalows there is a paddock. I was a little disappointed to find the new owners had put up a new fence and the magnificent lichen covered post had gone.

While wandering along and examining the new fence I spotted these ash keys which had blown down in the recent winds. SO I thought they would be appropriate. Well at least better than some setup situation in the house.

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