Relay Team

It was a sunny day here at the AOG Northern Michigan Stadium. (A rare treat these days, and this reporter was tickled to have ample light for the photography part of this gig.) :)

Team Bluejay was out in force at the AOG on this fine sunny day! They dominated in the Peanut Relay (seen above). Their handoffs were performed with precision timing and they had their heavy hitter, Boris, in the last leg of the race... He can eat peanuts like no other! Later, the Bluejays turned in a metal earning performance in Doubles Nut Eating... Talk about stuffing your face beak! How do they do it?? Then, just before sundown, Barney Bluejay came out of the gate like a rocket in Downhill Skiing. It was an incredible start, though he lost control about half way down. It was a frightening crash, but he walked away from it without a scratch. (Whew!)

Not to be outdone, the only tufted titmouse to medal so far awed the crowds in a brand new sport, Olympic Peanut Levitation. Look into his eyes and you may find yourself floating as well... He's just that good!

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