
More concentration in large.

Just like any skier at the top of their game, Sylvia Swan runs through the course - turn by turn and jump by jump - before every run. A practice that really gets your head into the event. It really paid off, because once she broke through the gate, she had a spectacular run. Sylvia Swan displayed such grace... Each time she t00k to the slopes, it was so smooth, it almost made you believe she could fly...

However, not everyone on team Swan played the games with grace today... Tensions ran high and fights broke out at the hockey rink. It seems that Stewart here didn't agree with the way his teammate was hogging the puck... Such an embarrassing display. He's lucky that he only got some time in the penalty box!


The weather turned a bit nasty here. So cold, so windy and the snow is dumping down on us tonight. I miss that sunshine we had the last couple of days!

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