
By Jamjar


Steve's feet at the end of his hospital bed, waiting for his pacemaker.

We were there before the admissions counter opened at 8am having left home at 6.30am. After telling him that he mustn't eat anything, a small breakfast was brought at 10.30am and then lunch at 12 noon, so maybe they just wanted to control what was eaten. And then we waited.

During the afternoon Steve was prepared (blood pressure, ECG, x-rays, blood tests) and then he was presented with extra towels and special wash sachets and instructed to have a shower, before donning a green robe and green hairnet. And then we waited some more.

It got to 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I decided to go home, because it's an hour's drive and then I'd got to collect Jasper and give him a walk, all before it got dark. And still Steve waited.

I'm assuming that he's been 'done' now and his heart's beating at a reasonable rate, but I don't know for sure. The operation usually takes about an hour (see here for details), but if I'd have stayed he wouldn't have been out of surgery in time for me to get back in the light.

It's usual here for a relative to stay with the patient 24/7 and sleep next to them on a sort of reclining chair, and the other male patient sharing the room with Steve had his mother staying with him, in spite of being married and being a father himself.

I'm trying not to feel guilty for not wanting to sleep in a chair for the night, but in any case I had to get back for Jasper, he'd been left at the Mas for 11 hours as it was. I hope Steve manages with the language, although one of the nurses did have some english, but well.........

Edit: Steve's just phoned and it's all ok. Good!

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