my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

butter dish

Parentcraft class this morning covering feeding. I'd been warned by fourlittlebells that, back when she did her classes, her other half was the only man in the room. It seems we had a more enlightened group.

Had a chance to grab a coffee after with another couple from the class who live above my father in law. It was a great chat, and I look forward to hanging out with them a bit more. Unfortunately, I had to run off to get back to work, otherwise, I think we could've happily chatted all afternoon.

Met Sam in the Caley after work and decided to take advantage of the fact that they had a good range of relatively low abv beers on ( 4% rather than 6%!). Allowed myself a delicious half pint of Nebula by Fyne ales and it went straight to my head. I miss being able to just enjoy a small drink without getting pissed. I started to get paranoid about what others in the pub thought about the pregnant woman drinking. Feel like getting a t-shirt with the offical NHS advise printed on the back "1 or 2 units, 1 or 2 times a week".

When we got home, Sam made dinner - just some pink bream with a lobster bisque - while I tried out the paint samples.
Having tried butter dish, sky, berry, waterfall, bubble bath and blueberry white, I think we may have finally made the decision to go with Daffodil white. Now, just to find the time to get it done...

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