
By Angelique


In between some heavy showers this afternoon, I took Phoebe for a long walk around the village and onto to Kingswood to collect some fresh eggs. I love having egg with toasted soldiers on a Saturday morning. After the rushing about last weekend, we need some quality time together this coming Saturday. Of course I had forgotten the torrential rain they had last Friday and in consequence, I set out with a white dog who came back with a black tide mark half way up her body.

After she suffered a bath and blow dry, she charged round the house like a luny.

Anyway these beautiful colourful daffodils were growing along the roadside. If you look closely, you can see raindrops on the leaves. Further up the lane were the first primroses. I did take a photo but decided this was a better blip.

Work was particularly boring and we seem to be having a quiet phase at the moment. This means that I revert to "hospital jobs". You know the ones, you put them off until you can't find any excuse not to do the job. The filing is up to date in our main office, but we have a back store cupboard where we store old archived files. The only trouble, there's not enough room to "swing a cat", and I was having to lean over boxes etc. which isn't good for my spine.

Anyway, another day is nearly done, praise God, and I'm getting tired. I hope you have all seen the sunshine today. A rainbow was in the valley as I came passed it on my way home from work. Hopefully a promise that we wont be needing the Ark. So hold those Blueprint drawings for now. Spring is not far away - the daffodils prove that.

Thank you for looking in, I'll now shut up! HUGS ~~~~~~

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