A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Spring Has Sprung

Back Blipped on 20/02/2014

Now, the jury may be out, but there is a strong chance that these crocuses have not technically 'sprung' by their own accord. There is the possibility that the gardener has popped them in the bed. We'll just never know... but don't they look beautiful!? Their colour & promise of change lured me into the garden in my post party stupor.

Having possibly read about last nights drama, you won't be surprised to find that we're all on the weary & worried side. Thankfully I can report that all is well & truly on the mend. Jenny, Will & I went to visit Estrella in Croydon University Hospital, & now happily in situ on the ward, she's is much more like her ordinary self. After Will had made what he deemed as an essential post party pit stop to get his grande ice latte in the hospital foyer, we spent a couple of hours catching up with Estrella, reflecting on last night & also on the very tantalising hospital goss.

Estrella had promised us the night before that she would open her present & card, but that was before she was taken ill. However, she was keen to see us today & with that in mind, we were thrilled by her teary reaction to the knitted scarf Jenny made her.

Quite fittingly, these crocuses are the same two colours as Estrella's scarf.

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