To The Beach

Today I have felt gutted, disappointed, and, even worse, just a little bit stupid. And all because I forgot to check the aurora alerts last night, in the process missing the best display the South Island has had in a long time. For a budding astrophotographer like me, it's verging on inexcusable. Yes, I have been feeling sorry for myself.

So, you can imagine the palpable sense of excitement at the prospect of another space weather storm hitting the country again tonight. The bag was packed, and as soon as it was almost dark I headed off to Kaitorete Spit hoping to catch the aurora.

Well, I would have had it not been for the blanket of cloud to the south. Bugger.

Not to be too disheartened, I grabbed this shot of the path to the beach under the peaceful southern skies.

The forecast is for more aurora tomorow, so here's keeping the fingers crossed for good weather!

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