Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Uh oh...Trouble at the Stadium...

When I looked out this morning to check on the athletes, I was a bit surprised to see Olympic Stadium empty - not a single sparrow or titmouse or blue jay in sight... And then I saw Madame Sharpie. Uh oh. I had to break the news to her that Sparrow-Eating is NOT an event here at the Alternative Olympic Games. She wasn't happy, and proceeded to give me the hawkish stink-eye. Oh dear. However, she finally tired of terrorizing the sparrows and flew off into the woods. (Collective sighs of relief all around the stadium.) (She is, by the way, an adult Sharp-shinned hawk, closely related to Europe's Sparrowhawks, and in the Accipiter family).

Once the athletes settled down, the games resumed with Team Titmouse putting on a breathtaking aerial display before taking a bow and flashing the victory sign! They were being quietly cheered on by the still shaken Team Sparrow, represented by Andrez the American Tree Sparrow

The biggest news of the day, however, came when I spotted Butch, one of the woodlands chipmunks out cavorting around in the snow! I had to do a triple-take to make sure I wasn't hallucinating! Although chipmunks are known to dig out of their winter burrows sometimes in February for ... things, I didn't expect that they would be out on top of a 2 foot snow cap. But out little Butch had things on his mind ... He had spotted Hennie (also of the woodland chippies) and was making his moves, aiming to dazzle and impress. Henny, however, was having none of his antics and she dismissed him, emphatically. I have confidence in our boy Butch, though... He hasn't run out of moves yet...

A reminder that you don't have to miss a single heart-stopping of the AOG, just click HERE to see what is going on around the globe... And don't forget, it's only a few more days until the much-awaited closing ceremonies - both for the AOG and in Sochi.

Your intrepid reporter is signing off for the day...


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