
Another grey day, another long day and I apologise for the late late entry of this shot.

I saw a documentary recently about sand artists and how they created images the size of a beach at low water. I was in awe of their spacial awareness as to be able to visualise how the finished image would look as you could only see the concept finished from the cliffs above or from the air. They were working in beautiful sunshine beside clear blue sea, in total contrast to our river today. It struck me as a I walked just how clever mother nature was creating her own sand pictures with the ebb and flow of every tide, not the intricate designs and recognisable picture instead she is more fluid leaving the ripples of a river cleansing her foreshores, creating a place for me to walk and enjoy.

Its not an inspired shot, its not colourful or bright like so many of the beautiful shots I enjoy from the journals on Blip but it is nonetheless a shot with a stark gentleness I like and I hope you do too....

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