Off Centre

By RachelCarter

She plays trumpet in the dark

One of those emergency blips, where I get to the evening and realise I've been too preoccupied to take a photo so I sneak off outside in the dark and crouch in a damp corner of the garden.

I had a pre-assessment consultation-y sort of thing with a potential psychologist today.
It was by phone and I only had an hour's notice. That's the best way for me because I am scared of the phone and get ridiculously nervous about things. I put the adrenalin to good use for the half hour before she phoned and got the kitchen clean!

She was really kind and easy to talk to. I feel better now I feel I've made a start.

I actually fell asleep on the sofa this evening. I never usually do that. I usually perch on the edge of my seat and bite my nails. So I guess I must have been a bit more relaxed than usual tonight. And possibly a bit done in.

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