From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Mooning about Venus...

Ah the things we do to get our daily blip! Skiing down mountains in the dead of night carrying boxes of chocolates; risking abduction by aliens in fields of turnips; creeping through fields full of cows, bears or lions; dicing with death on the motorway and vaulting through valleys of razor sharp rocks. Well, I'm exaggerating slightly but many of us have resorted to peeping over walls, stopping cars in dodgy places or as in my case - but I'm not alone! - standing in dog/horse/cat/bird or fox shite in an attempt to get the perfect picture.

Blipfoto has certainly made us all more observant and appreciative of everything around us, no matter how mundane. I'm sure that is the case for the vast majority of blippers anyway.

What dangerous risks did I take today? Ummm I went outside the front door in my slippers after hearing on the news that Venus and the moon were having a rare get together! For a change it wasn't cloudy and the clear, chilly, early morning air made it really difficult to take a half decent shot with chattering teeth. Rover Man from next door (he works at Solihull Land Rover) arrived back from his night shift and has clearly decided I am insane. No change there. I also tried my luck shortly after stood in the most dangerous of places - outside McDonalds in Solihull - where a small group of hooded zombies rapped on the windows, laughing and baying like wolves until I moved away. I'm bloody glad it wasn't a full moon as I'd have been turned into a Blip martyr (assuming I survived long enough to post my blip) and I would have been given loads of posthumous hearts and stars having given my life for Blipfoto!

Ooo sob! I'm filling up here. What a tragic but romantic way to go! *sniffle, blub, snort* (I think the snotty bit at the end killed that. Ho hum...)

Work was fine although very busy and you'll be relieved I have nothing exciting to tell you. I had no need to kill anyone trying to get in the lift. I wandered around St Alphege's graveyard at lunchtime but without much enthusiasm as I'd got a probable picture so early. That was it!

The picture used was one I took outside McDonalds showing the moon and Venus over the spire of St Alphege's Church at the opposite end of the High Street. I shall treasure that quality moment (baying hoodies) forever...

Looks no better larger...

Track? I'm in the mood for Bowie and one I have posted before - Starman

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