Party Popping Elephant...for the children..... us all....And what is cheating?

First off Mrs Elephant was so enamored by how pretty she looked in her party popper streamers she tried the hat on for size....doesn't she look splendid.
(She happened to be standing underneath us when Flynn had another successful trip to the loo).

She wanted me to take her pic trying out her new passion ....tight rope walking....she reckons it's easier than flying when she is in the clouds...she also asked me to promised not to tell Mr Elephant until she has it down pat.
Another thing she wanted me to point out is her beautiful tusks and LARGE ears .......I think she is having a bit of a tiff with her Indian counterpart Lakshmi who has no tusks and rather small ears in comparison.
Myself I think Lakshmi is an absolute beauty as she is.

I am posting this really early as I have an appointment this afternoon and probably wont get time to do it later. Yesterday I was absent from blip as I went to a most wonderful Art Exhibition of a very dear friend was the first time I have been out in a crowd for some time now.......a bit intimidating but worth it to see all her lovely paintings in one spot.

AN:I have been working on this (casually) for a couple of days now........all the pics are mine all plonked together and treated HEAVILY and taken through many journeys until I come to what I feel works....I did finish it just now but is it cheating that I didn't take all the pics today?

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
― Albert Einstein

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