Shiny Bike

Not mine but Matthew's. He had to pull out of a mountain bike assessment last week due to knee problems. This is the offending mountain bike. His cure is to buy himself a road bike so that he can exercise and strengthen the knee on a bike without subjecting it to the stresses and strains involved in mountain biking, Sounds like a plan. I couldn't blip the new bike as it was delivered only partially assembled. Besides, not sure he would have appreciated me waving sparklers all over that one anyway.

Technique challenge - Light Paining. Again, not overly happy with this one. It was rushed out in the wee small hours and as I had a limited supply of sparklers (5 to be precise), it was always going to be a case of cross fingers and hope you get a decent shot in 5 takes. I should have practiced with a small torch first as the key to this kind of light painting is to be very precise in drawing your lines, not to go over the same line twice and to be careful in transition from one area of the subject to the other so you don't get spurious lines in your image. Reminds me of that puzzle where you have to draw a house with a cross without taking your pencil off the paper and without going back over a line you have already drawn.

Only soft focus to go in the technique challenge and 'surprise us' in the alphabet challenge. You have been warned :-)

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